Why a Career Is Important: The Top Return On Investments

A career is a relevant part of your lifetime. It can help shape who you are, what you value, and what kind of society you want to live in. Unfortunately, many people choose their careers based on how much money they presume they will earn. Money is essential for a happy lifestyle, but it shouldn’t be the only reason you choose a specific career. There are many reasons to go into different types of careers that may give you more satisfaction, like teaching or nursing. A good job can also reshape your social status and the world around us for the better! Here are 4 ways your career can make your world better.

The Importance of a Career

1. Career Improves Your Communication Skills

Learning a new profession expands your ability to communicate with others. For example, if you are a high school teacher and you can’t communicate with your students because of a language barrier, you will be frustrated and would eventually have a hard time getting through to your students. If you are working with clients, you would have to get their buy-in or their trust, so it’s beneficial to have a solid communication skill.

2. Career Improves Your Resilience

Even in the best careers, you may not always get along with your co-workers. And you may have bad days where nothing goes right. But knowing how to respond to these situations is necessary to your long-term happiness.

The Top Return On Investments

According to Statistics Canada, in 2015, people living in their 20s and 30s may be more likely to get themselves examined by a doctor, but they’re also more likely to visit the emergency room.

Women are more likely to have major health problems, such as diabetes and high blood pressure, during their first pregnancy. Men are more likely to have a heart attack in their 40s. 50% of all childhood cancers are cured, usually by surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation.

At a societal level, these statistics paint a picture of an aging population where those with better health are more likely to survive and those who require more healthcare will receive more attention.


I’m a huge advocate for investing in your career. It’s easy to earn a lot of money in a short amount of time, but earning a large amount of money is only as valuable as how it can be invested.

Often, people worry about earning high salaries to make more money and live the lifestyle they want. But, it’s good to set long term goals and focus on earning more in the long term. Instead of focusing on the money you make in one month, or one year, think about the total lifetime of what you earn.

Think about how much money you’ll save by retiring early, instead of just focusing on the money you make each month. The freedom of knowing you don’t have to worry about working every day motivates most people to retire earlier.


Think about how important status is in your life. How would you feel if you were short-changed on income, short on influence, or long-hauled in a job? Your career can make you feel important and important in the lives of other people. As time goes by, people come to rely on you. This is the power of status.

People’s goals and plans change over time. In this case, their careers can help them attain their long-term goals. It is vital that you maintain a constant sense of direction in your life. If your career doesn’t seem to be bringing you the career you want, change direction.

Your career is a reflection of you, is a reflection of who you are as a person.


Your career is the thing that you’re most likely to be passionate about. Even if you don’t care about what you do now, this will change, especially as you get older and know that you are not your job. It’s important to find something you’re passionate about. When you know what you want to do for the rest of your life, you will be able to be happy. It doesn’t matter if you get a PhD or become a millionaire, this could always be in the future. The point is, if you don’t know what you want to do, you will be unhappy.

A career allows you to get to work early in the morning, have a purpose in life, and work your way towards retirement. A lot of people feel like they don’t have any sense of purpose until they get a job, or settle into a career.

Impact on the society

If you have a career in an industry that helps improve the world around us, it can impact the health, safety, and security of everyone on the planet. If you have a career that improves the air quality in the world, your lungs can start to get better. If you have a career that improves the water quality in the world, your home can start to get cleaner. If you have a career that improves the energy and resources in the world, then eventually your heating bill will decrease. Your career can do a lot for our future, and help your children and grandchildren live a happier and healthier life.

If your career is in a field where you are able to make a difference and change how people think, you can change the world.


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